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Writer's pictureMemory Loss


Was a beautiful Saturday, the birds were chirping and lawn mowers were going, stepped out on the front porch to check the air, and despite the pollin, this was the most beautiful Saturday, so beautiful that it reminded me of the Saturday of my accident, 3years ago. 3years ago on a beautiful Saturday morning I got up, put on some boil eggs, put bacon in the oven, I ran outside to wipe pollin off the car, while food was cooking, so I wiped the car down, and continued to get dressed, my wife to whom is a very hard sleeper, would awake to one of her worst days in her career as a wife. So I walked in our room, and gathered my clothes for the day, I was going to put my clothes on downstairs to keep Watch on food, as I headed down the steps, my pants, must have gotten caught under my feet, tangling me up, and sending me tumbling down the steps, knocking me out cold. While I am knocked out, the eggs are still on the stove boiling, and bacon still in the oven, unfortunately my wife didn’t hear the fall, as I laid there unconscious, eggs boiling, bacon cooking, smells of good food in the air, sounds of the birds chirping, sun shining, all being interrupted by the sounds of the smoke alarms ringing throughout the house,water making sizzling sounds while hitting the hot pilots, bacon smoking, sending burnt smell throughout the house, my wife, rushing to my aid, contacted paramedics, and I was rushed to the ER, with neck injuries, causing me to loss my memory for a small period of time, people helped me recall some of my old likes, and even some dislikes, I thought and thought, and  asked myself, what if these people didn’t know me, what if they only shared with me what they thought I liked, or disliked, some say I was private, so if that is true, how do they know my likes, and dislike, which had me thinking, who am I, and what were my previous thoughts, are these people just shaping me to be who they always wanted me to be, have they tailor made me to not be me? Who am I?

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